
Let’s wall mount Data

TV Dashboards are the latest game-changer in data consumption. Since data based decisions are vital for any organization, TV Dashboards have attained a measure of importance.

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Why do you need a TV dashboard?

A TV dashboard is one of the best upgrades for Data Visualization. If a business runs in parallel with its targets, and you have a team that chases key metrics daily, you may need a TV Dashboard on your wall. It could be placed where your Operations team sits, or in a meeting room where the Sales leads meet. This way, the dashboard will motivate and guide your business by constantly providing the best visibility.

TV Dashboard

Who needs a TV dashboard?

Those who chase Numbers! That is the simplest way to answer this question. The headings below give a breakdown of the top sets of audiences the dashboard can be utilized by (but not limited to):

TV Dashboard Users

Operations Team

Operations Team

Key metrics always haunt the Operations wing of an Organization. The dashboard could be used by the Report generation team, eyeing the number of reports generated per day, or the Sales team, which is interested in closed leads and other pipeline metrics. Other major examples are the Inventory team, Logistics, and Production lines.

Top Management

Top Management

Any dashboard that displays the key metrics for a business, along with its context (for example, targets) deserves to be on the big screen. A summary of the business, or a revenue report could be typical displays, which will always catch the attention of the top management.

Support Team

Support Team

The IT department is at the top of the list here – SLA tracking is vital for these folks. Facility is another support department that may be interested in monitoring stock and tracking of goods. If the organization has a Call Center as one of its Support divisions, then they should definitely include a TV dashboard. This way, they can track the number of calls made, talk time and other activities - monitoring emails and resolving issues.

TV Dashboards and Value Proposition

To see the difference between TV and normal dashboards, we need to consider the following elements. The values listed below show that a TV dashboard results in less delays, and brings valuable data right to where the business is happening.



The dashboard is displayed before large groups of people on large TV screens – so everybody sees the visuals in real-time, which results in high visibility and transparency.



In most cases, a dashboard on the big screen displays the chase between actual and target numbers. This screen presence motivates the team to keep up the business momentum. On the other hand, it also guides the employee or the team who lacks on gain. A dashboard that displays possible opportunities for the Sales team or other persons that will help them attain their target is another example of how these dashboards can provide guidance.



This value follows the previous benefit closely. The design of a TV dashboard is intuitive and can prompt teams to take certain actions in specific areas. Let’s go back to the same example of the Sales team. The difference between actual and target numbers can be displayed in a report, but just imagine if the dashboard could suggest potential business (by executing business logic at the backend), along with a client name and the type of business they are looking for? This just goes to show how a TV dashboard could drive the team’s focus further.

Easy Consumption

Easy Consumption

The dashboard is immediately visible to members of the team at all times. You don’t need to login or shuffle tabs on your computer; all you need to do is look around, or read it while walking out for a coffee – the dashboard has your attention because it presents metrics that are important to you and your business.

Real Time Decisions

Real Time Decisions

TV dashboards are lauded for their ability to display data in real-time. These displays will therefore drive up data-oriented decisions, which can help keep sight of priorities and maintain focus on everyday tasks.

Work On Track

Work On Track

Another advantage of being focused and on-time. With help of a monitoring system like a TV Dashboard, a team can have its work reviewed on the go and also get automated checks. If something does well or poorly, there is access to feedback on the wall. The fine-tuning process becomes much more effective when an organization embraces a system like this.

At Sparklore, we try and upgrade the way we see data. If your team belongs to any of the above, then you need to make most of what a TV dashboard has to offer. Convert your Television into a Datavision platform. Sparklore has the experience needed to build a myriad of customized dashboards, that can transform the way you visualize a billion data points.

#DataWallMounted #TVDashboards

High-Impact dashboard. Fast and affordable.

Starts at $1500